#Wakedafucup produced entirely by German production collective Snowgoons, consists of fourteen original tracks and features guest appearances from Sean Price, Reks, Cormega, Dope DOD, Snak The Ripper, Papoose, MakemPay and A$ap Ferg.
Executive produced by Fredro Starr and DJ Illegal and mixed by J.S. Kuster, and is brought to you by Mad Money Movement and Goon MuSick Records.
Artwork was handled by ALTERPROD.
01. Wakedafucup (Intro)
02.Whut Whut
03. We Do not Fuckin' Care (feat. Asap Ferg / Sean Price)
04. Hustlin 'Night (feat. Makem Pay)
05. Buc Bac
06. Wakedafucup (feat. Dope DOD)
07. The Tunnel (feat. Cormega / Papoose)
08. The Realest
09. Dirty Cops (feat. Snak The Ripper)
10. Boom!
11. Trust No Bitch
12. One 4 Da Team (feat. Reks)
13. Hammer On Deck
14. Turndafucup
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